Friday, August 6, 2021




I’m out

Of sorts.

I can’t decide

Where to go,

What to do.

Too many choices are just



Thread, thread ,thread,

The room is full of thread

And cat hair.


A quilt maybe?


I started knitting a hat;


I never know what to do with silk.


Thunderous weather is starting soon.

I can feel the ions pelting my body,

Entering my mind,



Quietly sitting, I turn on the music

I imagine the concert

In my mind.

I see jewels on the patrons,

Bows on the children.

The conductor quickly lifts

His baton.

Slowly, the cello plays its melodious

Low notes.

The violins, flirting with each other

Add to the melody.

A clarinet brings its own fullness.

In a twinkling, I am at peace.

I pick up my paintbrush.

I have decided.

Monday, August 2, 2021

High Desert Garden


High Desert Garden


The pomegranate bush

Has eight babies this year;

One is a twin

I wonder how that will work out?


After three years

I’m out of pickles

But cucumbers are expanding

In the garden.

Time to make pickles

 I guess.




And apples are trying to grow

In spite of the 12 year drought.

The blueberry died.


Who says you can’t grow

Bananas or

A clementine

In the high desert?

With cold nights

They become indoor plants!


Two tomato plants fighting for space

With three peppers

Overwhelm the plot.

As for the eggplant?



Monday, July 26, 2021

Spring Flight


Theres a butterfly

In the garden.

I saw it lite on

My lilac bush


Dont move quickly

I want to watch it

Sip the dew.

Its wing tips are the color of my marigolds

Growing in the borders of the Italian garden under the pines.

A breeze ripples through the Basil.

A chunk of ice clinks against my glass

The dog barks

And hes gone.

Thursday, July 22, 2021

Five Senses




 Do you smile

When you cut the grass?

Do you smell the green scent?

Of summer?

Does your spirit lift in the evening?

As clouds of red and purple

Silently gather across the sky?

Do you sparkle with love

When he plays his guitar

And asks you to sit by his side.

Then you are blessed

My friend.

Love Music






What’s going on there, guys?

Who let the ruffians in?





Uh Oh

Something’s wrong if they

Start whispering








The boys got the bird

Out of the chimney again

Monday, July 19, 2021

Earth Colors



My mother was an artist.
I remember coming home from school,
Seeing a new canvas
Drying on the table.
I heard her talking,
In my mind,
To the painting.
“A swath of violet, I think.
Next, a blend of indigo, curving
Tenderly around the edge.”
Blue cuddled lovingly, expanding in the light,
Fading gently from blue to green.
Closer to the sun,
The colors brightened to
Warmer tones, yellow, orange, red.
Beneath, the fields,
Greyed darkly as
Heavy clouds encroached angrily.
Mists sparkled,
and the rainbow wept.

Monday, June 28, 2021

An Attitude of Gratitude



My Friend Ellen Posted this on Face Book this week. She got it from her friend Sydell and thought that some of her friends would enjoy it. And, I did. It is a reminder to be grateful.

“There once was a woman who woke up one morning, looked in the mirror, and noticed she had only three hairs on her head. "Well," she said, "I think I'll braid my hair today." So she did and she had a wonderful day.

The next day she woke up, looked in the mirror and saw that she had only two hairs on her head. "," she said, "I think I'll part my hair down the middle today." So she did and she had a grand day.

The next day she woke up, looked in the mirror and noticed that she had only one hair on her head. "Well," she said, "Today I'm going to wear my hair in a pony tail." So she did, and she had a fun, fun day.

The next day she woke up, looked in the mirror and noticed that there wasn't a single hair on her head. "YAY!" she exclaimed. "I don't have to fix my hair today!"

Attitude is everything. Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle. Live simply, Love generously, Care deeply, Speak kindly. Be Grateful!”


I hope I can always remember this. As I get older, my hair gets finer, and I find more of it every day in my hair brush!


A past Bishop asked every one he had on Face Book one day, “When you pray, what do you pray for? My answer was first, A Prayer of Gratitude. And it still is, but of late I’m adding,

Bless our country’s leaders that they will care about we the people.

Bless our world that we can overcome anger, fear, and this virus.

Please send us rain.

God loves us where ever we are at in life whether we believe in Him or not.

I remember a poem I read many years ago by Poet, Carole Lynn Pearson. I can’t find her book right now so I can only paraphrase it. “Even if you don’t believe in God, He believes in you.”


10 Philippians 4:12-13

I know how to be  brought low, and I know how

To abound. In any and every circumstance,

I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger,

Abundance and need. I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.

I am grateful for all God has given me, the experiences I have had to learn from. And for you because you take the time to listen to me.

Monday, May 24, 2021

It's May!


May—one of the most loved months of the year; When nature bursts out, fresh, beautiful, and colorful, after the cold dry winter. And yet, as much as I itch to get out into my garden, I can’t. I just don’t have the energy after this crazy last year. I’m ready for earth’s rebirth to beauty if I can talk someone else into doing the work! We hired a landscaper to extend a couple of our terraces and make a couple of raised beds. I can’t get flowers till they are finished though.  It is making me crazy with impatience instead of enjoying my impatiens. What do you like to plant?


There is a long list of things celebrated in May. I was surprised. Here, are just a few of them.

Which of the following might you be most easily motivated to observe?

Top of Form

  • Better Sleep Month
  • Correct Posture Month
  • Employee Health and Fitness Month
  • Get Caught Reading Month
  • Personal History Awareness Month
  • Revise Your Work Schedule Month

I think I must have chosen Get caught reading month. I have read so many books in the last year of semi -idleness during the pandemic. I have discovered a lot of new authors to enjoy. I even became one, collecting my poetry and publishing it on Amazon.


Personal history awareness would be a good one too. Have you done anything notable, curious, or memorable in the last year? I’m not sure my descendants would care about the six quilts, or four afghans I made, but they might enjoy reading my words.


And I guess I’d better hurry and Revise My Work Schedule Month before the summer hits. Let’s see…..DO SOMETHING! Today I will start painting the cover for my next book of poetry, The Pregnant Elephant.

It is in our idleness, in our dreams, that the submerged truth sometimes comes to the top.-Virginia Woolf


Idleness is not doing nothing. Idleness is being free to do anything.-Floyd Dell


What do you want to accomplish this year? I would like to hear.

Wednesday, April 21, 2021




After thirteen months, I finally got to go back to church. This doesn’t matter very much to a lot of people, but as I sat waiting for the Sacrament to be passed, I literally wept. The words that filled my mind were, “Free at last! I am free! I am free! I am free! I have been attending church most of this time by Zoom, but, though a miracle, it just isn’t the same. I have been going to church every week, except after various surgeries, babies, funerals, and vacations since I was two years old. My dad had a picture of me trotting down the block behind my older brothers in my nightie determined not to be left out of Sunday School. I suspect that after taking my picture, he scooped me up and took me home again to get me dressed and fed before we joined my brothers for Sacrament meeting.

One of our hymns from my early childhood was--

Welcome, Welcome, Sabbath Morning Robert B Baird

Welcome, welcome, Sabbath morning;

Now we rest from every care.

Welcome, welcome is thy dawning,

Holy Sabbath, day of prayer.

Loving teachers kindly greet us

As we meet in Sunday School,

Where they labor hard to teach us

By the Savior’s golden rule.

I don’t agree with the churches who didn’t shut down during the last year as we fought the pandemic, because I think we need to care about those around us and protect them, but I understand them. Life and its hardships are easier to accept and survive with friends, family, and God by our side to comfort and help.

I had a friend many years ago, who lost a child to an illness. He started growing illegal Marijuana to pay for health care. When the child died, the marriage broke up and church going stopped. We all choose different methods to react and heal from tragedy, but I treasure the love and comfort I received from Heavenly Father and my friends, family and church to help me heal after the death of my own son. I hope that during this next year we will all grow closer and kinder as our world hopefully goes back to a closer rendition of the life we use to know.

Monday, March 29, 2021

Happy Easter


Spring Bouncing



Bouncing through

The air

Dancing in

The breeze

Dripping on

The blossoms

April’s here.


It, isn’t quite April but, I woke up to a warmer sunnier day than we have had for a while. It was so bright while I was having breakfast, that I almost couldn’t see my oatmeal. The cats were stretched out in a sunbeam on the floor by the door. Birds were walking about outside looking for seeds on the patio. My husband and I have both had our second vaccine shots and our daughter, her first. She says that in six more weeks we can have a hug. Things are looking a little brighter.


Did you know that March was National Quilting month? For the first time in many years, I didn’t get a quilt finished in March. I do have five tops made but not finished. And I crocheted five large afghans. That felt so warm and comforting on a cold grey day to be enveloped in yards, and yards of yarn. The cat enjoyed it too!

April, on the other hand is National Poetry month. Write a poem! Let the world know how you’re feeling. It feels good to get in touch with your soul.


Saturday is the beginning or the church’s general conference and some people are getting nervous. Is it the end of times? Are we worried? Or prepared? And Sunday is Easter. Rejoice. And get in touch with your soul. 

In Psalm 118:24

“This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.”

President Russell M Nelson Said of this scripture,

"We live in the most vibrant era in the history of the world. I wake up every morning eager for the adventures of the day. And I hope you feel that same exuberance for the gift of life. Though our world is filled with serious challenges, I am optimistic about the future and confident about the fundamental goodness of humankind. I marvel at the compassionate outreach we see constantly from the leaders and members of other faiths and from people of goodwill everywhere who seek to reduce human suffering whenever it is found… I give you my assurance that regardless of the world’s condition and your personal circumstances, you can face the future with optimism and joy—if you have faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and His Gospel."

Thursday, February 25, 2021

Living With Consequences




How are you all doing? We managed to get our vaccines yesterday. Today we are paying the consequences. After listening to news reports as, different dignitaries around the country are taking the Covid 19 vaccine, I find that the pain in the shoulder is indeed worse than for a flue shot, and taking longer for me to get over. I am counting the days. My husband doesn’t seem to be as susceptible. The technician said I had really thick skin, and my husband’s is quite thin. What are the consequences? I stay warmer than he does. That little layer of fat makes good insulation. And, I survive the cat jumping into my arms better that he does. Those big black claws leave mighty black bruises in thin skin!

Today I got an email from with an obituary for my Aunt Inez. I never knew her. My father was five years old when Inez was born, right in the middle of the 1919 flu epidemic. It is interesting to see how many things are the same in the flue epidemic and the current one. For example, many people didn’t think the families in 1919 wore masks, but I have and old picture of my mother’s cousins wearing masks as children. As a consequence of that flue epidemic, my grandmother had to give birth to Inez in quarantine with the midwife outside the window.

Another consequence of having the Covid 19 vaccine, is knowing that in another month I will feel more comfortable leaving the house, and maybe seeing my kids again. I feel like I’ve been held hostage by nanobots, creatures so small they are invisible to the naked eye. I hope you are doing well, staying healthy and staying sane. What have you done to stay sane in the last year? I’ve been writing.

One of my friends in Virginia gave me her ten favorite words to write a poem for her. This is the poem. We had been talking about things we should edit from our lives. What would be the consequence of eliminating some of our faults?


Brutal Editing

There is too much stuff
Cluttering my life—
Angry Thoughts,
Words I’ve yelled and wish I could
Take back
Deeds I’ve left undone.
I need to do some brutal editing
And leave some room for sunshine.

Tuesday, January 19, 2021



This was sitting on my computer this week and I don’t remember where I got it from. I do feel like it was meant for me though. This last couple of months seems to be filled with anger, hurt feelings, and very disagreeable situations all around us. I wish we could all just take one day at a time to focus on things that we can do to brighten our families, our neighborhood, our country, our world.

Every day get up and say, what can I do in the world today?

I went to bed last night with this little phrase running through my mind, “Doing good is a pleasure, a joy beyond measure….” I almost recognized it, but not quite. What was my mind trying to tell me? By the time morning came, I had it.

Its nice that my mind will work things out for me while I’m busy sleeping.


Have I done Any Good in The World Today?


1. Have I done any good in the world today?

Have I helped anyone in need?

Have I cheered up the sad and made someone feel glad?

If not, I have failed indeed.

Has anyone’s burden been lighter today?

Because I was willing to share?

Have the sick and the weary been helped on their way?

When they needed my help was I there?


Then wake up and do something more

Than dream of your mansion above.

Doing good is a pleasure, a joy beyond measure,

A blessing of duty and love.


How can we apply this song by Will L. Thompson, 1847–1909, alt.

Have I done Any Good in The World Today to salve the anger of those around us?

How can we soften their feelings?



A man once found a lot of garbage surrounding his family.  Some of it was caused by himself and some by people who passed by. He picked it up and filled a bag with it.  Now, what was he going to do with it? He tried carrying it around with him everywhere he went, but it was too heavy for his shoulders. he tried passing it around to his friends and neighbors to lessen his burden. But his friends and neighbors didn’t like that. Finally, he dug a large hold in his backyard and buried it. And with the dirt from the hole, he built a castle.


Go get out your shovel

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

10,000 Steps


Ten Thousand Steps


“A thousand steps a day”, she said,

A thousand steps!

“Today, I thought I’d stay in bed!”

“A thousand steps!”

She smiles at me

Eyes full of glee.

The sunrise waits

The camera’s on

The music plays

Winter birds song

She walks into the quiet hills

The view around me gives me chills

Dead branches screen the mountain  tops

The rain from tree limbs loudly plops

Today I’m glad, I walked, I said,

Ten Thousand steps