Sunday, November 17, 2019

Be a Firebird

“For a star to be born, there is one thing that must happen: a gaseous nebula must collapse.
So, collapse.
This is not your destruction.
This is your birth.”
My daughter has this quote on the desk where she paints. She reminds me often that some works of art are created with a lot of time, patience and trial. Some don’t quite look like she had planned. Some are different but just as interesting, and some quite dramatic.

This week I will be having my fourth joint replacement and I am getting very nervous about it.
Why? You ask! I’ve done it before and survived. It’s old hat. But I know people around me that didn’t do as well. People who, having done one, will never try it again. I trust my medical team. I trust my husband. I trust the Lord to help me through. Do I trust my body, my mind, my heart, to do what I need to achieve my best? It’s going to be a new procedure, and I’m not sure how I will cope with it. I am prepared. The freezer is full of easy to finish meals. The laundry is done, there is a stack of books to read; three quilts to bind; and four project bags.  Even the cats are prepped and prepared to cuddle, or chase me around the fireplace on my walker, as I try to exercise.
My therapists ask me what my goal is. For the first knee it was to skip. The first hip was to walk well enough to make that hike to Missouri for the 2nd coming. The second hip’s goal was to walk without my cane. This time it is to go back to the temple by the first of February. I think my goals are starting to get more important and more achievable. I think my first goal will to be able to put on my left sock!
We all come to points in our lives where we need to be reborn, to feel like we are worth something. Don’t let discouragement get you down. Collapse, yes, momentarily. Crumble, a little, then work yourself back to standing tall. Be reborn a brave, better, revitalized, woman of faith. Be a Fire bird!