Saturday, July 9, 2016

The Bishop's Quilt


A block in a block in a block he thought. That’s what I feel like!  I’m ready for a vacation. It seems like he’d been the jack in the pulpit for years. Gathering his family they headed for the lake. A Broken wheel threw a monkey wrench into their plans, but heading out with supplies on their backs they were determined to have a good day. Flying geese overhead called to them as they climbed a rail fence and followed the trail of the covered wagons over stiles and stones and through the lattice of trees in the woods.

Seeing the bear paw print they jumped the rail fence with both eyes open
The saw tooth star last night, gleaming in the heavens warned them of their adventure. Passing this old house, an ancient log cabin, they walked toward the brown waterfall.

Approaching the lake, they rented a sailboat, glad they’d gone fishing. They had seen a another bear paw print as they hopped the third rail fence. !

At the end of the day; full of fresh fried fish, and fruit from the apple leafed trees, they snuggled down  next to another rail fence; into their sleeping bags, happy and content under the dark sky filled with Missouri stars. Tomorrow they’d go panning for gold
“Dad,” the young boy said, “Thanks,
 Families are forever”.

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