Friday, August 6, 2021




I’m out

Of sorts.

I can’t decide

Where to go,

What to do.

Too many choices are just



Thread, thread ,thread,

The room is full of thread

And cat hair.


A quilt maybe?


I started knitting a hat;


I never know what to do with silk.


Thunderous weather is starting soon.

I can feel the ions pelting my body,

Entering my mind,



Quietly sitting, I turn on the music

I imagine the concert

In my mind.

I see jewels on the patrons,

Bows on the children.

The conductor quickly lifts

His baton.

Slowly, the cello plays its melodious

Low notes.

The violins, flirting with each other

Add to the melody.

A clarinet brings its own fullness.

In a twinkling, I am at peace.

I pick up my paintbrush.

I have decided.

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