Thursday, May 23, 2019

climate change

May has a lot of  remembrance months to celebrate. One we enjoy is Date your Mate month. Instead of Friday night date nights, we enjoy Monday morning breakfasts. It seems like
many other older people do too as we see a lot of them having breakfast in the same places we go. The restaurants also seem to think we all want to listen to 50’s and 60’s music. Well we do, but still—This month as we were heading home past the senior center, we saw a sign reminding us that May is “Older Americans Month. We had to chuckle. We are older but don’t feel like we have hit the elderly button yet. Most of the time we don’t notice special treatment except for people rushing to open doors, “take your time sweetheart!”
When I was young I always planned to do my Genealogy when I got old well—
I shouldn’t have waited so long because it is actually turning out to be fun! Although now it’s a lot easier because technology has advanced so much. The other day I got a notice on my computer that there was information about an ancestor of mine and I went to see what was happening. My father’s older brother’s grand daughter had added a story.

“The Gardner name stems from the Gordon Clan of Scotland who had the Great Duke of Gordon for its head. I found this from reading about Blane Gardner's grandfathers here on Family Search. My Mother, Ivy Rebecca Gardner, would tell me her Father, Blane Gardner, told her their last name of Gardner came about as a result of their family being Gardeners for kings! I've always thought that amazing! “
I think this is exciting, because we have all felt the call to plant something, wherever we live. Even my black thumbed daughter finally has a place she can dig in the dirt.  My mom always told us that every garden will add oxygen to the air around us and help the CO2 / O2 ratio. So, do your little part to fight climate change. Plant a tree or a pot of tomatoes. Recycle, and get a recyclable bag or two for the grocery store. And,     celebrate with an older American!