Thursday, November 26, 2020

Happy Thanksgiving During the Shutdown


Thanksgiving day! I don't think I have ever cooked a 3 lb turkey before. Its not the first time it has been just the two of us for Thanksgiving. One year we invited the missionaries but they called that morning to say they got a better offer. One year we got into the car and drove to North Carolina from Washington DC. We didn't think about all the stores being closed for the holiday. We enjoyed Thanksgiving in the motel with a cup each of Ramen chicken noodle soup. One year we drove from Virginia to West Virginia. The restaurants in town took turns being opened on Sundays and holidays. Everyone in town was welcome to join at a community dinner at one large table. Small towns are fun. For a couple of years we picked up a turkey dinner from Boston Market and for a couple of years I got out of the hospital on the day before or Thanksgivimg morning. My daughter cooked one year (her first experience)
and my sister in law the other time. Sharing is more fun. The wild turkeys continue to stop by the door to see if we need them or if we have any spare corn. I am thankful for families , children, husbands, and friends who share our lives and experiences with us. Next year I hope to have company and family over, a piece of mincemeat pie, and leftovers. Today we are having a scoop of chocolate chip chocolate ice cream to go with our tiny turkey, mashed potatoes, and corn. Happy Thanksgiving where ever you are and stay safe! #givethanks

1 comment:

~T~ said...

The unusual years are the most memorable, aren't they? Happy Thanksgiving!