This year we will be studying the history of Relief Society. Julie Beck , Relief Society general president says “ Understanding our history is not only important, it is essential.
An understanding of our history inspires us to be the women of God we need to be.
Our history teaches that the same principles that existed in the early church are our foundation principles today.
As we value our history, we can better share our spiritual heritage.
Understanding our history helps make us an effective part of the future of relief Society.”
President Spencer W. Kimball explained, “We know that women who have deep appreciation for the past will be concerned about shaping a righteous future.”
I guess that the older I get the more I enjoy history. For the past year I have been reading about the countries of the origin of my ancestors, Scotland, Germany and Northern England. I’ve read letters and diaries of my father’s brothers, and uncles. I recently heard that my brother found my mother’s childhood diary, which I am just itching to get hold of.
I dreamed I was at a funeral—People were reminiscing about the life of their loved one. I wondered as I do whenever I go to a funeral, what people would say at mine. I look at the things my family has accomplished, and I admire them. Most of the time I feel like a slug on a log. I guess living with me day in and day out I don’t see the things I do. I was pleased when given a compliment from a friend to see that I have done something notable in my life.
It’s nice when someone cares enough to give a lift to another’s soul.
In reading a book about the Scottish king, Robert the Bruce I read this quote. It made me contemplate my current existence.
“Life should mean achievement in great things and small,
Without achievements, life is merest existence, of neither virtue nor relish.”
Bishop Lamburton in Robert the Bruce The Price of the Kings Peace Nigel Tranter
Bishop Lamburton and King Robert were contemplating the end of their lives, grateful that they had been able to accomplish their dream of a free and united Scotland, and the rebuilding of the great St. Andrews Cathedral.
In the last year of my father’s life we would begin each day thinking about what we would do for that day, and at the end we felt it was a good day if we had managed to do one thing. In his case that one thing might just be to get out of bed. Being thirty some years younger I felt I had to do better than that. But still some days making the bed is not the only thing I do, but the only thing I finish. I tend to flit from thing to thing not being able to settle down and finish. There are so many books to read, people to talk to, quilts to make, paintings to paint, and poems and stories to write. I don’t know where to begin. I find myself longing to leave my history somewhere, in some way--proof that I existed.
As we enter the New Year, what’s calling to you? What do you want to add to your history?
great picture of a favorite home. I was thinking I should write down my great achievement for the day in a journal. Otherwise, I forget that I ever do anything at all since a lot of what I do can't be seen. Today, I subbed and showed a kid how to memorize his X tables. Thats about it.
Wendy, you are sooo incredible! Your blog is leaving such an amazing history. You are a dedicated daughter of God with great love for all your neighbors and friends. You are an inspiration to me. My day has been uplifted by your words from the scriptures, your poetry, and your daily living. You are a tremendous blessing to our ward family. Laura
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