My daughter is enjoying her school in England. It was hectic getting there and many problems came up to discourage her including being sent back before she even made it out of the airport. But she arrived minus her quilt for a year of studying medieval music.
One of her adventures involved going out to Marks and Spencer’s to find a new quilt since she had to leave hers back in the States. She was walking back to her dorm carrying two pillows and a duvet when it started to rain and she got totally disoriented. Which way was she supposed to go to get home? Standing there in frustration, she heard the church bells playing Finlandia. This is a favorite of both of ours. We sing it as the hymn “Be Still My Soul”. Knowing that the bells were from the Minster and that the Minster was near the dorm, she could follow the bells home. The words of the hymn made her feel the love and comfort of Mom and Dad as well because it is one we like to listen to in times of stress.
I like the second verse, which says
“Be still, my soul; Thy God doth undertake to guide the future as he has the past. Thy hope, thy confidence let nothing shake; all now mysterious shall be bright at last. Be still my soul; the waves and winds still know His voice who ruled them while he dwelt below.” Katharina von Schlefgel, b. 1697
Isn’t it a comfort to know that we all have things to guide us home. For my Eternal home, the temple is one of mine. I love to go. Others are the memories of things my parents taught me. For my physical home it is at the moment the Cheesecake Factory, but that’s another story. What is a guide home for you?
It excites me that my daughter is in the place where my great grand parents grew up. If she has time I would like her to go see some of the places my great grandmother saw while she was growing up. There is a strong feeling when one stands at the same place your family did. Over Thanksgiving we found the lot where my husband’s father lived 100 years ago. The house was gone but I could see how touched he was just to be there in the empty lot. The same thing happened to him when we visited Erie, PA and walked the streets of his mother’s childhood.
" As we participate in temple and family history work, we are certain to have the Spirit to comfort us in our challenges and to guide us in important decisions. Temple and family history work is part of our work of providing relief, or service, to our own ancestors."
Julie B. Beck, Relief Society general president.
I hope you have a good holiday season.
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