Blue corn tortillas, shredded chicken, green chile sauce, Mexican cheese, adobe walls, Sopapillas, good friends, it’s nice to go home again.
I just got back from another trip to see my dad. I haven’t been since November. He fell and gouged his arm, needing more care. He still doesn’t want to go into a nursing home and we don’t know how to convince him that he needs more help. Somehow it just doesn’t seem right to tie him up and toss him over my shoulder. After an earnest prayer for an answer, I had an interesting experience. At church that Sunday I had been asking my former ward members if they knew of anyone who did elder care. I was looking for someone who would just live in his home and help when needed. He’s still self sufficient unless he falls, or needs to go somewhere.
In Relief Society, the president announced that a member of another ward in the Stake was looking for a room or apartment in town for the summer. His wife will be in England and then they will move to Arizona. I hope things will work out. A home to live in, in exchange for cooking an evening meal and mowing the lawn seems fair. Of course, one of them being a Republican and the other a Democrat might lead to interesting conversations!
In D&C 112:10, we read, “Be thou humble; and the Lord thy God shall lead thee by the hand and give thee answer to thy prayers.”
Elder M. Russell Ballard of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles: says,” Every honest and sincere prayer adds another piece to chain-mail armor… One of the most important ways to clothe yourselves in the armor of God is to make sure that prayer—earnest, sincere, consistent prayer—is part of your daily lives:
President Thomas S. Monson said, “As we offer unto the Lord our family and our personal prayers, let us do so with faith and trust in Him. Let us remember the injunction of the Apostle Paul to the Hebrews; ‘for he that cometh to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.’ If any of us has been slow to hearken to the counsel to pray always, there is no finer hour to begin than now.”
There have been many times in my life that my prayers have been answered. I have a testimony that God loves me and will answer my prayers, if I but ask. I don’t always like the answer but I know He gives them. And looking back I can see the blessings I have received from the experiences I have been given.
It was a long slow trip back to Virginia in the rain, but as we flew over the sites and monuments of DC, it was nice to come home again.
Sweet Fried Cakes
4 cups flour 4 eggs
1 tsp. Salt 1 cup sugar, divided
2 tsp. Baking powder water or milk
4 TBSP. Fat (lard or shortening ) fat for frying
1 tsp. Cinnamon
Sift flour with salt and baking powder to make a dough that is neither stiff or soft. Let dough stand for ½ hour. Roll out 1/4 –inch thick. Cut into 1,1111/2 inch squares and fry in deep fat util brown. Mix remaining sugar and cinnamon. As the sopaipillas are fried, drained and still hot, roll in the sugar-cinnamon mixture.
1 comment:
sorry i missed you
hope your dad is well again & well cared for
max still has a half year to go & will give more than 100% of his energy - i am grateful to see him on my day off ...
thanx for the note k
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