My husband took me to the library last week to return a couple of books. As usually he turned left onto Quincy, to go to Wilson. I always wish he would turn right to go to Washington, as I don’t like turning left at that Wilson intersection. He pointed out that I don’t like the Washington/Clarendon intersection either. We also call Seven corners the “Triangle of Death” Back in Los Alamos, I avoid turning left from Diamond onto Trinity because of the visual perception. I can’t tell if oncoming traffic is veering onto Trinity or coming at me on Diamond.We started thinking that there are many intersections in our lives which we try to avoid. How many opportunities have we given up because of fear? How many people have we not touched because they may reject us?
The sister missionaries have asked me to take an intersection that frightens me. They want me to ask someone if they want a Book Of Mormon. How hard is that?-- Especially when you sit at home and talk to no one for weeks at a time? ,So would you like a Book of Mormon?
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;
Then took the other as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear,
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same.
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I
–I took the one less traveled by
And that has made all the difference
Robert Frost -1920
In his book, Men and Women of Christ, Neal Maxwell writes, “…”Our planning usually assumes that our destiny is largely in our own hands. Then come intruding events, first elbowing aside, then evicting, what we had anticipated and even earned….Frustrating conditions keep more than a few of us from making our appointed rounds. Customized challenges are thus added to that affliction”….He encourages us to “Live in thanksgiving daily, for the many mercies and blessings which God doth bestow upon you.”
For example, a co-worker of my husband’s in Los Alamos, N.M. took his wife for an adventure—a cruise---to Antarctica!
The ship sank!
They are thankful to be home.
It will be interesting to hear how it went…….
Hope you have a Merry Christmas!
December challenge- Get a note book and just write down one thing daily that you consider a blessing.
18+ Chocolate Mousse With Cocoa Powder Pics
3 years ago
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