Thursday, October 22, 2020

Peace Like a River


The year is ending, Let it go 

2020’s been full of woe

What has been done with this year

I don’t know,

I don’t remember.

A train wreck going at warp speed through months of fear and trepidation.

I don’t remember anything from January to March because I’ m feeling old.

Nor do I remember anything from March till October for it was filled with fear and angst.

November, standing on my threshold, barefooted and with trembling lip, wonders….will it be worth it?

Does this sound familiar? Does your life feel like your life has been turned upside down. I guess we could just turn off our    media and stop reading newspapers. I think I have turned into a news junkie. I have discovered CNN

First thing in the morning, even before breakfast I have the computer on to see what has happened over night. But oh how I miss the olden days when I could lie in the grass , listen to the birds, and watch the clouds float by. I had no cares in the world, well, except getting my homework done. Why can’t everyone just behave like I want them too?

But, Oh, the responsibility!

I need to turn over responsibility, act with faith, and as Michael McLean wrote in his song, “Which Part is Mine,”

      Which part is mine? And God, which part is yours?
Could you tell me one more time, cause I'm never quite sure
And I won't cross the line like I have before.
But it gets so confusing sometimes.
Should I do more or trust the divine.
Could you please tell me which part is mine and which part is yours?

Trusting in God is my goal that I might find Peace.

Peace, flowing
Like a river through the canyons
Of my existence
Reaches up
Catches my attention—

Willing me to flee
Bringing me
To God