Saturday, August 24, 2019


Hanging golden globes;
Swelling, rosy cheeked;
Juicy, ripe, begging to be eaten;
Falling to the ground
With a bounce in their step.
Yearning to gather them in,
Savor them. 
Our Father
Providing our bounty,
Yearns to gather us too
In His harvest.
Some of us
Are in a pickle
                                              The  Pickl

I woke up at 3:30 am and started thinking about pickles.
You take a sweet innocent English cucumber,
And right away it gets into hot water.
Then it gets salt rubbed into its wounds.
Bitter herbs are tossed into the mix.
Days of alternating sweet and sour experiences affect its life.
A short moment of added pressure seals the deal.
And you have a cucumber with character to enrich your life

Ahh August! The Harvest is approaching
Do you enjoy reaping the bounty of your efforts. I guess 2014 was the last year I actually could stand and preserve things with my daughters help. Now I dry my apples. I guess as I get older and wrinkly, my preservation techniques do too! Have a happy Harvest!