I feel like I’m in the middle of a game of telephone. You
remember the game we played when we were young. Everyone sits in a row and the
first person whispers something in the next person’s ear. This continues down
the line to the last person. He then tells everyone what he heard. We would
compare it with what the first person said. It was funny the difference we
heard. I always suspected someone changed the message purposely.
Today was irrigation day and my husband was out of town. So,
he asked neighbor D to turn it on for me and then I could pass it on. Last
night neighbor J1 called after I was in bed and told me my driveway was
flooded. Humm, what’s going on? She called neighbor J2 and I called neighbor D
who told me that the arrangement had changed around. J2 would go first, I was
second and neighbor L was third. This morning I awoke to a flooded yard. When I
had my fill, I passed it on to Neighbor L. All is well in my world…. until
neighbor J2 called to find out why I hadn’t called him to pass on the water. It
was a major communication gap.
First, I wonder about my communication skills and then about
his health. Is something going on in his life that confuses his mind?
I need to be more mindful of my neighbors. I tend to hole up
in my home and let the rest of the world pass me by, especially when I’m
stranded. I need to take action myself instead of letting others make my
decisions and tell me about it. Like the telephone game, sometimes the message
goes astray.
Now being the political season, we hear things that may or
may not be true. Who can you believe? Everyone says “Fake news, Fake news” Who
do you trust?
At church we have implemented Home Based learning, supplemented
by church-based discussions. In the same way that I need to take responsibility
for my own life, I am responsible for my own
David A. Bednar taught: “As learners, you and I are to act and be doers of
the word and not simply hearers who are only acted upon. Are you and I agents
who act and seek learning by faith, or are we waiting to be taught and acted
upon? … A learner exercising agency by acting in accordance with correct
principles opens his or her heart to the Holy Ghost and invites His teaching,
testifying power, and confirming witness. Learning by faith requires spiritual,
mental, and physical exertion and not just passive reception” (“Seek Learning by Faith,” Ensign, Sept. 2007, 64).
have you always wanted to learn? I use to take a class each year after I
graduated from college, just to keep up with continual learning, and stretching
my mind. My first class was learning to paint with watercolor. Now I read a
myriad of books on different subjects and peruse the computer. I just found out
that July is world water color month! And I have a new paintbrush!! Join me in
learning something new. Or, it is also National Ice Cream month. If you’d