Tuesday, January 29, 2019


The old cowboy said
Come to the well
Come drink 
The living water.
Life today
Can parch our spirit
The deep well
The Holy temple
Brings us renewal
Nourishes our souls
Keeps us connected
Come to Gods well spring
Prime the pump
And drink deeply

Saturday, January 26, 2019

don't give up

I have a friend who a couple of months ago was diagnosed with leukemia. I’ve been thinking of him today, and praying for him.
This morning I got out a notebook which I had started when I was sixteen. I wanted to show it to my daughter and laugh at all the pictures of when I was a little girl and teen ager. A quote that was stuck in the book fell out. I was visited by my teen-age self! Little did I know then how much I would need this quote in my elder years.

“I am bigger than any thing that can happen to me. All these things, sorrow, misfortune and suffering are outside my door. I am in the house and I have the key.”
Life has gotten frightening over the last fifty years or so. Many experiences have happened that none of us would have chosen. Having faith that we will be able to control how we feel about these experiences and grow from them is worth developing.
I remember when my daughter was born—At one point I told my husband that I had changed my mind. I didn’t want to go through this anymore. But then when she was placed into my arms, I felt immeasurable joy. How glad I was that I had endured to the end.
Today while preparing for church tomorrow I read;
Romans 8
18 For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.

Do I choose to endure?
Or give up?
Do I choose to feel faith?
 Or doom?
Do I choose to flee to the world
Or smile, and stay safe
In loves room.
What do you choose?