November is nearly over and we have much to be grateful for .
I hope you had a lovely holiday. Our family has all grown and left so we have a
lonelier dinner. We did have my brother and sister-in-law over, and had fun and
lots of pies. Everyone seems to like a different kind!
Aren’t we all like that in our lives. We have just gotten
through another election where everyone seems to be more invested in their own
needs and wants instead of sharing and caring about the greater good.
I think this stress was affecting my life in some way. I
have been living in fear. I have awakened each morning for the last few months
with a song running through my mind. It was Oh Come Thou King of Kings by
Parley P. Pratt who happens to be my great-great Grandfather
1. Come, O thou King
of Kings!
We've waited long for thee,
With healing in thy wings,
To set thy people free.
Come, thou desire of nations, come;
Let Israel now be gathered home.
2. Come, make an end
to sin,
And cleanse the earth by fire,
And righteousness bring in,
That Saints may tune the lyre
With songs of joy, a happier strain,
To welcome in thy peaceful reign.
Was my grandfather sending me a message? I looked up the
scripture that accompanied the hymn in our hymnal
Isaiah 35:10
10 And the ransomed of the Lord shall return, and come to
Zion with songs and everlasting joy upon their heads: they shall obtain joy and
gladness, and sorrow and sighing shall flee away.
And I felt a sense of peace. I could give up worrying about
what the world is doing. God has it. Whatever is going to happen to our
country, our world, we will be able to trust in God to help us get through it.
Now I wake every morning with a different song running
through my mind. We sang in on Thanksgiving in my husband’s church’s service.
My favorite line is,
“All is mine for I am His. How can I keep from singing?”
I give thanks to have you in my life, and having the
opportunity to put my thoughts on paper.