Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Children of the Creator

"The desire to create is one of the deepest yearnings of the human soul. No matter our talents, education, backgrounds, or abilities, we each have an inherent wish to create something that did not exist before." - Dieter F. Uchtdorf
What is it that drives us to create? 
The clear answer is because we are children of God, the greatest of creators, and thus we have that divine desire inside of us to “create something that did not exist before.”
So this next week for General Conference I am hoping to inspire you to get creative.
Paint! Write a poem! Play the piano! Anything to satisfy that need that all of us have to create.
I am hoping to gently prod you into finding the joy in creating.
I received this Email from Ryan Kelly, a teacher at BYU who has written a new method of learning to play the piano. Not having taken lessons since I was 8 years old, I thought I’d give it a try, although not very hard yet. I really needed this little encouragement to try to create. But what? But what? But what? I’m temporarily quilted out and still have three half done tops. I yearn to paint but don’t do as well as my friend who is an artist, so I feel intimidated. One of my nesting urges led to organizing six file cabinet drawers. Is that creating? It impressed my husband and I guess I was creating space and order!
When we feel the need, the urge to create what do we need to do to get that little push? It’s almost like baby hunger but that phase has passed long ago.
I have been blessed with an excess and a charge to share. If I learn how to do one thing, one art form, it leads me into wanting to try another.
 Now I have drawers full of “I want to“ projects. I need to learn enduring to the end as well as urge to create. But I will say I’m never bored! I’ve been thinking that it is time to start writing poetry again. I think I’ll choose words from each talk of general conference and see what poems I can come up with from that inspiration. Humm, sounds like a challenge. General conference starts Saturday and Sunday this week. Check it out.  I challenge you to a poem.I encourage you to create something this week. Let me know what you do!