Friday, January 12, 2018

Patience Grown

Patience Grown

I was born belligerent.
The first words out of my mouth
Were loud and angry
I was hungry,
My mom told me.
And at 2 minutes old
I didnt have the wisdom
To be patient.
I was born with a fire in
My heart.
A fire, a continuous desire
To have all that Heaven holds.
Moneys not abundant
Family is
Seven children
Fourteen grand children
Trailing behind
Love in abundance!
Life is always perfect?
Well, good luck with that!
But we are learning

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Mothers Day 2000


200 a.m.
I sat
With my daughter
In the car that night.
We had made it to the curb
In front of the church before the
Traffic came to a standstill.
It was a mandatory evacuation.
In the hills around us fire
Turned the trees to charcoal.
The sky, heavy with smoke
Made us feel like we were sitting
In a coal bin.
The church was open for evacuees
who needed to stop for food
or a bathroom.
It was quiet as the Bishop sat in a chair
Comforting the small group around him.
The radio reported that Arizona Ave. was
Totally gone.
Running her fingers through her hair my daughter cried-
Why Us?
They are just things. We are all OK. We have what was most
Yes, she said looking down into her lap, smiling,. We have the cats.
We have my clarinet, and books. If we get back to school, Ill have my homework done
Kids are such a comfort.
Happy Mother’s Day

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Be a Fisher of Men

She put the last touches
On the Portrait de Jesucristo
Remembering to abrigate it with
A protective film.
Charcoal was so touchy.
She remembered affectionately
When President Uchtdorf reminded
Her to put Christ in her life.
What better way to remember than a
Portrait of Him on the boat with poisson.
Dievushka felt blessed.
If Christ wanted fish he could get fish.
He wants us to help find his sheep.
I am ready.

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Whoopsy Daisy


Strike up the band
Reach for blue sky
Were making more quilts
My grand kids and I.
Theyre all filled with fun.
Theyre splendid to touch
The people they re meant for
We all love so much.
We think itd be awesome
If you learned how too.
No need to be perfect
Just do what we do
With a smile on our faces
Hands up! We all shout
OhWhoopsie Daisy!

Monday, January 8, 2018



The elk looked at the truck, and shuddered.
He looked at the gun hanging in the back window
He saw the camping gear, bundled in the back.
A fishing pole stuck out of the pile
Swinging to and fro in the wind.

“Vacation Time”
He bellowed!
 “I’d better get the wife and family
and head up the mountain
“Looks like it’s hunting season again!”

Saturday, January 6, 2018



When we are sisters
In the Gospel,
When love is enduring,
A product of Faithful
When the illuminating
Light of Christ
Touches enthusiastic,
Noble minds,
The devoted increase.
In the knowledge of Paul--
 I can do all things through Jesus Christ which strengtheneth me.


With broad wings pumping
Swiftly and silently
Long legs tightly tucked
They are off for the night
To the Bosque'.
Tomorrow, another day
Theyll come calling
With guttural cry
Hey wheres breakfast?
As they stroll amoungst the
Skeleton  trees.
Apples are long gone from the ground.
A few look longingly upwards at the
Clinging ones.
Fall, they wish, fall!
A jay, laughing, flies upwards towards the fruit.
Landing on a slender branch enjoys the meal.

Friday, January 5, 2018

Her Share


MARCH 27,1997
Yesterday I went to Jean McGuire’s funeral. The minister read a scripture that Jean had found when the McGuires had moved to Washington, and she was missing her friends in Los Alamos

Philipians 4:11-13
“Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content
I know both how to be abased, and I know how to abound: everywhere and in all things I am instructed both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound: everywhere and in all things.
 I can do all things through Jesus Christ which strengtheneth me.

Five years ago when my Michael died some one asked me if I hadn't had my share of sadness and I wrote this poem.
Her Share
She's had her share of sadness
They say
And I but wonder
Who decides
How large is my share?
How small is yours? 
What is the greater price?

We are all suffering different stresses and pain in our lives. Who is to say when enough is enough. I hope we can all look for the beauty in growing that comes from our struggles, and do all things through Christ which  strengtheneth..."

My resolution this year is to learn to accept the difficult as well as the joyful. Whats yours?
Visiting teaching is about ministering. Jesus ministered anytime and anywhere. We can do the same.    
To “minister” is to give service, care, or aid that contributes to the comfort or happiness of another. Visiting teaching is about discovering ways to minister to those we visit. Jesus Christ ministered to all—anytime and anywhere. He fed the 5,000, comforted Mary and Martha at the death of their brother, and taught His gospel to the woman at the well. He did it because of His sincere love.
Following His example,  we can come to know and love each sister we visit, remembering that love is the foundation of all we do. When we pray for inspiration to know how to serve her and help her strengthen her faith, “the angels cannot be restrained from being [our] associates.”

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Learning to Teach Again

I was always a teacher.
 I probably always will be.
But instead of math, English, and History,
I want to teach Integrity.
The world today,
The people today
Seem to be lacking
Especially in kindness.
Communication skills have changed since I was a youth.
Companionship and understanding have fallen by the wayside.
Our world is growing smaller, meaner.
Do we have the strength
And endurance
To be one
With the angels around us?

Philipians 4:11-13

Philippians 4:11-13

I love it.
Life gets crazy in
The gavel slams down
The spreadsheets fall to the floor.
The music stops playing.
The phone stops ringing.
The Teenagers sleep in,
Early morning
Seminarys been cancelled,
Ah youth!
Its snowing!
Its snowing!
Another Snowmageddon?
One of my grandbabies wakes
I tuck her into my arms
And read my scriptures to her
In Spanish
In my Grandmother’s rocker.


Monday, January 1, 2018

Sunday Morning Sounds

Sunday Morning Sounds

These Brownies are
Thank you for your
Please turn to page
Forty- seven
Sister J. had such a romantic vacation!
Woo Hoo!
Sister C. is seventy- seven this week!
Wish her a Happy Birthday
We love you all!
Relief Society is such a joyful place
Isn’t it fun!

Delicious Day

Delicious Day.

The new year is here
And things are calm in
My neighborhood
Hideously calm.
Its too cold for gardening.
To dry for snorkeling
My husband has gone riding
With the grandchildren.
And I am
With my chocolate.
I am content.
Pretty content.
Well I would enjoy some