I have been quite worried over the last few months. Maybe I should stop reading Apocalypse books, including Revelations. It seems like all the things predicted are coming true. Even the total eclipse of the sun and the red moon felt threatening. Two moves ago, about five years, we decided forty years was long enough to save the year’s food supply and we tossed the worst of it, and are starting over. Now I wonder if we have time. I have trees full of apples and no energy to preserve them. I have hundreds of books; many are not read. I have consumed and consumed on a grand scale and what will I have to show for it when Yellowstone volcano erupts. What of my spiritual pursuits? Hopefully my daughter will take one of my quilts to her conference for a scholarship auction.
Someone put this quote on Face Book the other day. I’ll have to think about changes I can make in my life.
President Henry B. Eyring said, “The Lord is watching over us. He is with us.
“I promise you that if you go in His name to others, you will be not only able to touch their lives and help them in a way that will last forever, but you will become more like the Savior because you have done what He would do.
Some of you may have family members, friends, or neighbors who have more emotional stress than you know. Some of them may have been troubled for quite some time. Go to the rescue to your family and neighbors not just now but over a period of time. Be kind. Don’t help just with their physical needs, but help them with their hearts as much as you can. Reach out to them over time. The real rescue they need is to have someone come to them so they can feel the love of the Savior and the love of Heavenly Father through you. That will give them a confidence that may have been shaken from their lives.
Jesus Christ lives. He is close by. He will get you through. He will get those around you through. He watches over us. He guides us. He protects us. By His Atonement, we become magnified. I promise you that if you will be faithful and reach out to others and think of Him, you will feel the Atonement of Jesus Christ working in your life. Your heart will change and will expand. You will become better than you ever thought you could be.”
There are so many hurting in our world today. What can we do?