Someday I’m going to die.
I don’t think I will be
finished yet!
Thirty years ago, I gave a
talk in church. It was in January and it was about setting goals.
Since I’ve always been a list
maker, I had a list of 357 or some things I would like to do. I typed these on
adding machine tape end and at the end of my talk I said, “Here are a few of my
goals >” and rolled the tape down the aisle to the back of the chapel.
Twenty years later someone
who still remembered that talk asked me how many things on that list I had
Last month I found the list
cut up in strips and put in an old fashion bean pot (my dream pot!!
Going through them today I’m
having a laugh and wondering how many I will ever do?
I know I won’t make plaid
pants for my four-year-old, or knit a yellow dress for her Barbie doll.
And what was a Millennial
wreath anyway? Some embroideries and quilts I have finished and they adorn my
home and the homes of others.
As I age and I see the end of
my lifespan creeping closer I am wondering about my priorities. Have I done
what the Lord sent me here to do?
Have I learned those things I
need to enhance my eternity and that of others?
Have I been kind?
Have I been
Have I taught
lessons and skills to enhance other’s lives?
Have I kept the
promises I have made to God and those around me?
Have I shared all
the best things in my life to improve the lives of others?
Have I forgiven,
and been forgiven?
Is the world
better because I was here?
In an
article in the May 2011 Ensign magazine “We Have Work To Do”
Gordon stated
…I do not have
a perfect knowledge, but I will try a little harder to be a little better