been doing it for twenty five years now. And though I’m getting older and my
eyesight and endurance are getting weaker, I think I’m improving. But I also
dabble occasionally in other areas which is getting me in trouble now. If I try
I can do a baby quilt in a week, paint a picture in a morning, and write a
poem in a few minutes. The trouble
is, I can’t do any of them with instruction from someone else’s ideas. I need my own inspiration.
believe we are put here on earth by a loving Heavenly Father to learn and
increase our talents. Of course we need guidance and instruction to find those
talents and help them grow.
it’s hard to try to see into someone else’s mind. Give me a first line and I
will write a story. Give me ten words and I will write a poem. But, write a
song to the tune in your head without hearing it is hard. It reminds me of the
wise men being called into the
office by the king Nebuchadnezzar and asked to give an interpretation of his dream. And by the
way the king can’t remember the dream. Daniel did succeed however because he
went to the Lord in prayer and asked.
we have a task do we sit down and
just do it or do we figure the best way to accomplish what we want. That
depends on our skill level, experience and desire.
can sit down and create a meal out of what is on hand because I know what
things taste like. How much cumin do I want (4 shakes) how much vinegar, (half
a splash).
my husband wants a recipe to follow. My son on the other hand says,” I wonder
what sage would taste like in chile!”
we go through life we are going to have opportunities and challenges. If we
always have a prayer in our hearts and a willingness to try we can bless the
lives of those around us and make our part of the world a better one.