In his first Presidency
Message for January 2014, ENSIGN Magazine, “The Best Time To Plant a Tree,” President
Dieter f. Uchtdorf writes,
“In ancient
Rome, Janus was the god of beginnings. He was often depicted with two faces—one
looking back on the past, the other looking forward to the future. Some
languages name the month of January after him because the beginning of the year
was a time for reflection as well as planning.
Thousands of
years later, many cultures throughout the world carry on a tradition of making
resolutions for the New Year. Of course, making resolutions is easy—keeping
them is a different thing altogether.
One man who
had made a long list of New Year’s resolutions felt pretty good about his
progress. He thought to himself, “So far, I’ve stuck to my diet, I haven’t lost
my temper, I’ve kept to my budget, and I haven’t once complained about the
neighbor’s dog. But today is January 2 and the alarm just went off and
it’s time I got out of bed. It’s going to take a miracle to keep my streak
In January
2013 I decided to celebrate 13 by doing 13 things in 13 areas. As I looked back
at my list I didn’t do too badly. Packing and unpacking 13 boxes and cleaning
out 13 drawers or closets was easy since we moved from Virginia to New Mexico.
Moving slowed my ability to make 13 quilts and I only finished six and three
halves. I am well on my way to making 13 new friends.
But one area
sadly I did not even come close to accomplishing.- doing 13 acts of service.
Surely this would have been the most important of my resolutions to fulfill.
So I guess my
resolution for 2014 is to continue.
President Uchtdorf
went on to say,
“There is something incredibly hopeful
about a fresh start. I suppose at one time or another we have all wanted to
start again with a clean slate….
One thing
we need to remember when it comes to setting goals is this: We almost certainly
will fail—at least in the short term. But rather than be discouraged, we can be
empowered because this understanding removes the pressure of being perfect
right now. It acknowledges from the beginning that at one time or another, we
may fall short. Knowing this up front takes away much of the surprise and
discouragement of failure.
When we
approach our goals this way, failure doesn’t have to limit us. Remember, even
if we fail to reach our ultimate, desired destination right away, we will have
made progress along the road that will lead to it.
And that
matters—it means a lot.
Even though we
might fall short of our finish line, just continuing the journey will make us
greater than we were before.
Become Your Best Self—Starting Now
Uchtdorf teaches that “personal goals can bring out the best in us.” Consider
setting some goals in two or three areas of your life, such as physical health,
spiritual health, and friendships, for example. What successes would you like
to have in these areas this year? As you prayerfully think of some goals, make
sure they are attainable but will require you to grow. In your journal,
describe your goals in detail so that you will be able to see your progress
when a year passes.”
Have a great 2014