As I sat looking out into the orchard on this cold windy
winter day, I was contemplating roots. What kind of root system do old apple
trees have in the sandy soil of the southwest? I remember the winds up north in
my childhood bending the Ponderosa pines side to side till I was afraid they
would topple, the shallow root system unable to hold those tall trees in the
rocky volcanic soil. A number of times I remember seeing half a tree hanging
across the fence line. When living in the east, every storm brought down heavy
branches from the sycamores, crashing through roofs and onto cars, blocking
streets. There too trees were uprooted.
My roots go back to Scotland. Both of my Grandfather’s
families came from there. It was interesting to visit; to see the towns and
countryside they and their families came from, to hear the speech patterns they
spoke and listened to, to eat the types of foods they did as children. I felt
at home as soon as I set foot on Scottish soil.
I remember a friend of mine describing her feelings as she
stood on the shores of the Sea of Galilee. In the quiet dawn she could imagine
Christ and his disciples being there. Even though her ancestors do not come
from the area she felt she had roots there because of her belief in Jesus
Christ and the things he taught.
In the December 2014 Ensign magazine we read,
“In the New Testament
we read of women, named and unnamed, who exercised faith in Jesus Christ,
learned and lived His teachings, and testified of His ministry, miracles, and
majesty. These women became exemplary disciples and important witnesses in the
work of salvation.
For example, Martha
bore strong testimony of the Savior’s divinity when she said to Him, “I believe
that thou art the Christ, the Son of God, which should come into the world” (John
This month we
celebrate the birth of Christ. What does this mean to you?
I hope you will keep
the service of Christ in mind this month.
Use His life and teachings
as an example in your life.
Remember your roots.
Are they planted in
good soil?