had an epiphany on Sunday. We were sitting in church and it was time for the
service to begin. The organ started playing and the congregation began to sing.
We didn’t sound too bad but I at least didn’t feel comfortable. The chorister
wasn’t there. I have sung in other churches that don’t use choristers and I
have the same feeling. I need guidance.
from out of the congregation, a volunteer walked to the front and by the second
verse we had a chorister. I felt a quiet change in the congregation’s singing.
We sounded more assured, more of a unit. We had a leader.
think many of us human beings like to think someone is in charge. It gives us a
feeling of direction.
should you do if you’re a leader and one of your subordinates place you in a moral
dilemma? Should you stay true to your values, or go along with the crowd?
is your responsibility to your group as a leader?
we look at the upcoming elections, what are we looking for in the offered
leadership? Vote your conscience, but VOTE!
Church's twelfth article of faith states, “We believe in being subject to
kings, presidents, rulers, and magistrates, in obeying, honoring, and
sustaining the law.”
A Caring Community: Goodness
in Action
By Elder
Alexander B. Morrison
Of the Seveny
From an
address to the Utah League of Cities and Towns on 21 January 1998.
A Caring Community:
“How our world would be transformed if
the vast reservoir of goodness in individuals could somehow be focused and
harnessed for the uplift and betterment of society as a whole. As Archbishop
Desmond Tutu has said, “Somehow the world is hungry for goodness and recognizes
it when it sees it. … There’s something in all of us that hungers after the
good and true” (quoted in Parade magazine, 11 Jan. 1998). I agree: goodness is
the attribute most needed and longed for not only in our individual lives but
also in families, communities, states, and nations.
If we are to effectively foster and
utilize the great goodness of the people around us, we must strengthen both our
families and our communities. The family is without question
the God-given primary vehicle for the development and expression of personal
goodness. But we also live in communities. One dictionary defines community as
“a body of people having common organizations or interests, or living in the
same place under the same laws and regulations.” People are by nature social
beings whose lives and feelings are eternally connected and intertwined with
those of others. Almost invariably, individuals reach their full potential only
in association and in community with others.
These words of John Adams, the second
president of the United States, ring with special force: “Our Constitution was
designed only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate for the
government of any other” (Reply to the Massachusetts Militia, 11 Oct. 1789).
Some other
thoughts on leadership.
Management is doing things right;
leadership is doing the right things.
Peter F.
Leadership is the art of getting
someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it.
A leader is a dealer in hope.
The leadership instinct you are born
with is the backbone. You develop the funny bone and the wishbone that go with
I must follow the people. Am I not
their leader?
Benjamin Disraeli
Benjamin Disraeli