Tuesday, March 30, 2010

April Skies

The stars lie
In April skies
Above the clouds and gloom.

The flowers grow
Beneath the snow
And soon they’ll be in bloom.

We see God’s light
In buds so bright
Beneath the springtime moon.

Our love will grow
Because we know
That we will make the room

Thursday, March 4, 2010


Frustration!! I shouldn’t let little things bother me. It makes my blood pressure go up. I spent most of the afternoon yesterday trying to straighten out a problem from a misdirected e-mail. It wasn’t even my problem. I just felt like it was important enough that the right person get the message. So why did a little thing like that frustrate my whole day? I let it!

Last month my husband asked me to make pancakes for breakfast. My small mixing bowl hadn’t been washed from supper the night before. (just a little thing). I quickly washed it and turned around to get a dishtowel to dry it. Water fell to the ceramic tile floor (just a little). The next thing I knew I was flying through the air in my small kitchen. First I landed on my knees, then I bounced back hitting my head on the refrigerator door. But with all that excitement—the thing that hurt the most was landing with all my weight on my left pinkie finger. Who would ever guess that jamming a couple of the body’s smaller bones could hurt so much, and for so long. Who would think that the smallest finger on the less dominant hand is so important for many daily activities. And we began two weeks of my husband having to put my socks on me, and tying my shoes.

I was trying to think of some stories from the scriptures that show the importance of little
things. My husband reminded me of the story of the mustard seed. A tiny seed grows into a large plant. Faith can grow from a small beginning. So can anger and hurt.

Little things--
Be they good or bad
Make us surge with joy,
Or just get mad.

A single rose
On a snowy day
A call from someone
That’s far away

A paper cut
A cold hard stare
A flippant word
When you thought they cared

May the little things
That come to your mind
Be filled with joy—
Not the other kind.

In a popular old song, “Little Things Mean a Lot”
by Kitty Kallen she says,
“Give my your hand
When I’ve lost my way
Whether the day is bright or gray,
Give my your shoulder to cry on.
Give me your heart to rely on.
Send me the warmth of a secret smile,
To show me you haven’t forgot.
For always and ever, now and forever
Little things mean a lot.”

I guess this is kind of jumbled. What I’m trying to say this month is, we are all affected each day by little things which can irritate us and make us angry or unhappy.
We should try to overcome them. On the other hand we are all given little opportunities to be a positive influence in other people’s lives—to bring them joy. As one of our prophets said “DO IT”
Little Things Mean a Lot

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Phantom Spring

The March wind
Blows through the
Reaches for blossoms
Still dreaming of being.
The March hare
Nibbling shoots
Trying to break through
Frozen ground.
It’s not really Spring
In March.
It just thinks it is.