Wednesday, December 17, 2008

still can't figure out the pictures!!

Christmas 2008 To all our friends and loved ones
Our warmest greetings from Washington, on the eve of momentous changes both here and our nation. At this time of challenge for our nation and the world, our thoughts and prayers go out to all those in need. Kevin, Amanda and her husband Kelly will be joining us at inauguration time. Just getting around Washington at that time will be a challenge but we still look forward to their visit.

We started the year with a trip to Wisconsin to visit Kevin in LaCrosse. It’s
truly amazing to see major portions of the Mississippi frozen over. We weren’t ready to join the ice fishermen though !

A bald eagle braves the frozen
Wisconsin winter while this
Guy proves that some long horns live north
of Texas !

For Memorial day we spent the long weekend at a 19th century B and B on the Maryland shore at St. Michaels. While relaxing on the shore these guys zipped by as if to entertain us

“We don’t care which way you guys are going
We’re racing this way “

In June we took what could be called a “nostalgia” trip. Instead of a plane, we hopped a train at Union Station and got off in Bridgeport CT. Because of Dad’s life long job with the railroad, trains have a special place in the heart. From Bridgeport we made our way to Naugatuck where Arletta, Dorine, Jana and the family had a wonderful dinner waiting for us on the lawn of Arletta’s house- a real treat. From there it was back to Bridgeport and a train into New York for 2 days. The first night we went to a Broadway show called “Jersey Boys” – ringing musical reprise of the life of Frankie Valie and the Four Seasons – talk about Sixties nostalgia ! We followed the next day with a picnic in Central Park. Our roof top garden continues to give us a touch of the outdoors right in the middle of the city. We had fresh tomatos, squash and herbs all summer. Our cat Maggie prefers to lounge in the middle of the flowers as can be seen in the middle of this picture
Warm wishes and love to all
Allan & Wendy

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Polar Bear Hugs

I love to go slipping and sliding
On hills white and covered with snow
With skates to the music go gliding
On ice at the lake with my beau.

I love to be warm by the fire
With cocoa and friends filled with cheer.
I hope that your birthday is all that you wish for
Today and throughout the whole year.

December 2008

Signed, sealed and waiting to deliver—I turned the keys over to the realtor and walked away, feeling strangely homeless. I have a place to live—I’m fortunate, but it’s a way station—waiting for the next phase of my life.

In the plane back to Virginia I was reading a book about the truly homeless living underground in Manhattan. How blessed I really am.
Finishing the book with a two hour flight still ahead of me I turned on my Ipod to a collection of religious songs. The first one that came up, funnily enough was “Homeless “ from Michael McLean’s Album Forgotten Carols

Homeless, homeless, like the Christ child was.
Homeless, homeless, but there is hope because
He came down to earth to lead us
He vowed He’d never leave us
Homeless, homeless. For in His love there is a home.
Homeless, homeless, was His humble birth
He was homeless, homeless, and still He changed the earth.
Nothing kept His heart from giving
Though most of His life was living
Homeless, homeless. He showed it’s how we live, not where.
When His homeless days on earth were done,
(when His homeless days were done)
He went home to where we all came from.
And He went to prepare a mansion for us there.
He gave his whole life to lead us,
And I know He’ll never leave us
Homeless, homeless for in His love there is a home
We are not homeless, homeless, like the Christ child was,
For in His love there is a home

As we enter the Christmas season, where we remember Christ’s birth, I hope we can do that—Remember Christ’s birth.

I got an e-mail this week from a friend in Los Alamos. Her last child went to college this year. Even though he will be home for the holidays, she and her husband are looking for some way to celebrate the season with a gift of service. Asking for ideas, we brainstormed things available in her area. (Habitat for Humanity, Red Cross, helping people rebuild in Galveston TX after the hurricane this year, United Way, Stakes in poorer areas of the state, Food kitchens, and even asking my brother who works with several of the Indian Pueblos in the area.)
What are you doing for Christmas?

Wishing you a Merry Christmas! And hoping we can all come home to Christ.